Problem modules

General instructions


How to submit

Reflection and self-assessment

Course PM


Master FIRE

Online Python

Online Mathematica

Submission of weekly modules

You submit your work in FIRE (link on main menu). To use the system you must first register as a student. You can create groups of two persons by first creating a group with one person and then adding a second person. If you do not know who to work with, register anyway, and send a mail to the person responsible for the weekly modules, who will try to help connecting people.

Main module submission

For each module, submit a pdf-file according to the instructions below.

You can write in Swedish or English.

Your submitted file shall have the name 'groupGmoduleML.pdf' where G is your FIRE group number, M is the module number, and L is the language (s or e). For example, in the second week, group 34 submits the file 'group34module2s.pdf'. Do not compress or pack the file. This means that file names like 'group34module2s.doc' and 'Group34module2s.pdf' are not correct. Make sure to get this right!

Include all of the following information on the first page:

The modules are part of the examination of the course, and violations of the course rules will be reported to the university. Every problem should be solved in cooperation by both people on the front page, and clearly not by any others. Any copying of other people's solutions - or looking at other's solutions before submission - is unacceptable.

We expect that you to the best of your ability submit your answers to all problems within the deadline. If you are unable to submit in time (e.g for health reasons), make an individual arrangement with a teacher to resolve this.

For any return please update and resubmit the entire document, do not submit only the requested changes.

Submission of reflections

Just add the reflection to the end of your main submission and resubmit (so the main submission is part of what you submit the second time)! Update the total hours spent for the module.

Problem modules